Suzanne Proksa:
Welcome to another episode of The Suzanne Show, where I talk a little online business, human resources, personal development, chronic illness, and whatever else I decide to chat about. I am so excited that you are here, and I love to hear from my listeners. Please feel free to reach out to me on my website, or on all the socials where I'm also suzanneproxa. And don't forget to put that k before the s. Let's move on with the episode. I can't wait for you guys to dive in. Hey, beautiful human. Just a quick note that the episode that you are about to listen to is from my former show, Sue's Pro Live, but it is so good that I just wanted to make sure that it was still being shared.
Suzanne Proksa:
So enjoy.
Suzanne Proksa:
I am very excited to be here today with Sherry Shultz. I said it. I said it right without getting tongue twisted. Absolutely amazing. She is a motivational speaker, life coach, author, and she is an authority on creating solutions. Is also just FYI speaking in my summit next week. So if you cannot get enough of her, you can see her again. Miss Sherry, I am actually gonna let you do your, your bigger introduction because you're obviously gonna do much better than I can.
Cheri Schultz:
Oh, well, thank you, Suzanne. I appreciate you having me here this evening. I, I have so much gratitude in my heart. You know, I'm also a yoga instructor, so I believe that everything happens for a reason. And, yes, thank you for the introduction. That are obstructing their path or preventing them from moving forward. That are obstructing their path or preventing them from moving forward. Right.
Cheri Schultz:
I, yes, I am an author, but really it's all about motivating, inspiring, and encouraging, encouraging the individuals because you know what? We all have the power, but for some reason we let that fear paralyze us, you know, and then it like stops us in our credit. Well, we have to remember, we have all the power here and here, but you have to believe that you do. You see, we all have the power to transform our story, but it's up to you to decide. And that's what I do. I motivate and inspire and encourage them They have faith, hope, commitment, right? Take action, believe in themselves. And, and that's what it's about. Yes. So that's what I do now for a living.
Suzanne Proksa:
I speak and I cope. Sounds super fun. My favorite things. We were actually talking before we got on camera, my audience and all of the discussions around fear and how people get stopped in their Proksa and think that they're not good enough and that kind of thing. And the the actual title of today's presentation is overcoming obstacles, fear, and accepting change. And I think it's absolutely perfect with what I've been seeing online lately and it's, you know, it's absolutely heartbreaking. I'm sure Sherry will agree when you see all of these talented women out there with so many gifts and they get stalled because of, you know, these stories and patterns and people in their lives telling them they're not good enough and just all of this junk that they bring with us. And so I don't know, you know, what do you see the most, Sherry, when it comes to that kind of thing? What stalls women the most? Yeah.
Cheri Schultz:
And, you know, Susan, that's that's so true. We were speaking about it and I spoke to a couple clients just a few days ago. And their biggest two issues that I constantly hear over and over is like, I'm not good enough. I don't have the skills. I don't know if this is gonna work. Maybe if I fail, maybe what if you succeed? But it's that fear that paralyzes them. I know I couldn't possibly do this, but I'm here to tell you, you are more than capable. You know, you don't have to have the skill set.
Cheri Schultz:
What I tell them is you have to step outside of your comfort zone. Yes. It's going to be scary. Yes. It's going to bring some discomfort, but when you step outside and you get on the other side, I'm telling you it will be easy. It's gonna become about the first time. I I'll agree with you. Okay? Because, you know, we got the jitters and we're scaring and what if we fail? Okay.
Cheri Schultz:
What if you succeed? I tell, I tell them also get this. You can either think positive about a situation or you can think negative. Do you know that it takes the same amount of energy to think positive than it is to think to negative? But for some reason, when we're going through the storm, right? As I call it the storm, the thunderstorm, the thunder, and here comes the tornado. Right? We forget all about it because we like to tune in. We have 2 channels. I look at it as a TV almost. We can tune into this channel over here of self empowerment, self motivation, or some of us turning and tune into this channel of self defeating woe is me. Why does everything seem to happen to me? You see, it's not necessarily what happens to you, but how is it that you're responding when you're going through the storm? Right.
Cheri Schultz:
We have to stay upbeat. We have to stay constant up because we always think, oh my gosh, what could go wrong? I tell, think about everything that can go wrong. And that's how I motivate them. Right. And then we all get this mindset that we're not, we don't have the skill set. And I tell them, have all the power it's right here and right here. But you have to believe that you do believe that you have the power to transform your story because you can, because you decide, you create and you craft your own future, but it case, case holds hope, faith, perseverance, right? Because we're all gonna hit those mountains. But what are we gonna do when we go over the mountain? I guarantee you're gonna get there.
Cheri Schultz:
But the thing is we want it yesterday. Right? We want it next week. There's not a timetable. We have to let God in the universe decide when it comes and it's done and we reach that pinnacle. But so many people give up before they reach their pain. And I want you to say, just stick with it. You're almost there. Keep pushing.
Cheri Schultz:
But I know we get frustrated because we're, we're, we're human. We want instant results. It is what it is. Right. But keep pressing forward because you have everything, right. And people tell you, you're not good enough. Or, you know, the thing is people like to take control of people. Oh, do it this way, do it that way.
Cheri Schultz:
But we don't know their story. And as I say, they can't pass judgment on you because you know, that famous saying you're judged and then you be judged. You don't know what their story is. Brainstorm with them, help them figure it out, but don't try and control the situation. Don't let those people convince you that you are not good enough because you are, you have it all. You were born with us. We just got a ruling it out part of you because it just sitting, standing right now. I know I can go on and on.
Cheri Schultz:
I'm sorry, Susan.
Suzanne Proksa:
No. I'm a fantastic. I'm a I'm a I'm a I'm a
Cheri Schultz:
yes. It is.
Suzanne Proksa:
Yeah. Yeah. Getting in. Yeah. I am too. Sorry. I'm.
Cheri Schultz:
Yeah. And Go ahead. I think
Suzanne Proksa:
it stopped.
Cheri Schultz:
Yeah. It did.
Suzanne Proksa:
I mean, definitely some very good points. You know, we I swear we're our own worst critics sometimes. And I know you run into that all the time and, you know, the whole where I'm not good enough thing. You know, a lot of times we're we're conditioned. There's somebody that we've had in our lives that have let us feel that way. And, you know, it's definitely a hurdle that I've been through. And I think also I love what you said about, you know, keep you have to keep trying and keep going and have some patience. All of us, especially, you know, if we're in business or, you know, even in life, this certainly applies.
Suzanne Proksa:
Once you get a taste of that, there's there's a amount of success there. It's huge. It really lights you up. And I think that, you know, me, for instance, if I would've given up several months ago, oh my goodness, You know, what a, what a waste. And so anytime I see somebody who looks like they're on the edge of giving up. Yeah. I'm like, no, no, no. You know, let's tap into your, your absolute strengths.
Suzanne Proksa:
Right? I'm sure you just seem, you know, and let's focus on that to get you moving forward a little bit faster. So you at least have a taste of that. Cause it's a it's, oh, what's the word for it? Elating? That me, that's not the right word.
Cheri Schultz:
Well, you know, I always say light, it light, it ignites your lights, right? It makes your heart feel happy. That puts a smile on your heart. You know, it motivates you to keep moving forward when you have those little victories. Right. And I tell a lot of my clients, right. We've all had victories in our life, but when we're going through the store, we cannot remember one single victory. Right. We're just looking at like, woe is me.
Cheri Schultz:
We get depressed. And I always tell my clients, just close your eyes for a couple of moments. Remember the emotions when you got through it. Okay? Bring those emotions to the here and now because that's what's gonna motivate you. It's gonna give you making those sound decisions because sometimes we get real clouded when we're going through the storm and we can't think straight. But if we remember that we went through those victories, bring them here. Remember, even I got through that, and I'm going to get through this one again. Right.
Cheri Schultz:
It's those obstacles, but I always look at them
Suzanne Proksa:
and I, and I, this is another thing I
Cheri Schultz:
kind of explained to them when you're going through that obstacle. Right. And let's say something doesn't work out in your timing or the way you've planned it out. It's okay. Because we're going to learn from that. So I always look at because I did, I had a real big failure in my life and I don't look at it as a failure anymore. I look at lessons learned because I gained so much wisdom, so much knowledge going through those 2 years. And now I'm on the other side and yeah, I won't do that again.
Cheri Schultz:
And hopefully I gained enough knowledge that now, I won't feel depressed. I won't get scared. I won't get paralyzed because I know I got through it. And there is nothing you can't get through. Right? But she got it. Yeah. And I would say step outside. Right.
Cheri Schultz:
Do that thing that makes you uncomfortable. That's, you know, brings up that, oh, you know, I don't know if I can do that. Yes. You just have to do it. It's gonna be scary, but get through it. And every time after that second, 3rd, 4th time, it's going to be a breeze. You know, that's what I tell them, but you gotta get through it, you know? And then there's the other thing, and this is kind of interesting because we're all entrepreneurs, right? A lot of us here. And we always say, you know, and this was real interesting, you know, and she said, well, Sherry, I'm not making the money that I want to.
Cheri Schultz:
And I says, okay, well, let's say otherwise, let's dig down. And they said, what is it that you're doing every day?
Suzanne Proksa:
Cheri Schultz:
you know, she says, wait, I'm doing this or doing that. I says, I said, entrepreneur, you gotta think, feel every emotion. It has to be who you are. So if you put in a little effort, then you get a little income. If you put in a big effort, you'll get big income. And, you know, I had to change her mindset that she has to live and breathe. When you're an entrepreneur, you're in total control of the money that comes through. So, I mean, it's going to take time.
Cheri Schultz:
I'm not going to say it's going to happen overnight, but you have to have a plan. You have to have a goal. You thought I have a to do list. I'm big on to do lists. I'm sorry. But because we get too sidetracked during the day, right? Yeah. Snapchat and you tube and Facebook. It's like right here to do list.
Cheri Schultz:
I don't care if you have to write it the same list for a week, but I'm telling you, you look at in front of it. And you're like, nah, I gotta do that because sometimes we go through the day and we wonder what did we accomplish? Right. Because we're getting sidetracked in so many different directions. I tell all my millennials, all my clients, write your to do list, because you're gonna be surprised what you can accomplish when you see it on black and white. Yes.
Suzanne Proksa:
Yes. And I'm one of those people that has to cross it off as I go.
Cheri Schultz:
You want that? Yes. You feel accomplished. Yes. But that's so important. You are so right, Suzanne, because when you cross it out, you feel that sense of accomplishment and you're like, yes. I got it. Yes. Absolutely.
Cheri Schultz:
Absolutely. And there's nothing wrong with that because some of us tend to have that type a personality. Right? Check it off. Yes.
Suzanne Proksa:
So you were talking about challenges.
Cheri Schultz:
Oh, yes.
Suzanne Proksa:
And one of the things that we talked about was you went through one heck of a challenge, one heck of a hardship and go of being sued for over $4,000,000. So talk to us about that. What happened there? How did that come about and how in the world did you get yourself over a hump that massive?
Cheri Schultz:
Yes. Yes. Very true. Well, I'd have to just backtrack a little bit back to 2,007 and I was very, we're very fortunate. I started many entities cause I lost my job is really what happened. And, and so, you know, I was in that real estate industry and I owned my own title company 15 employees, a commercial building, you know, everything seemed to be going fine. And then I got hit. I was sitting at my desk one day and I heard my name being called at the reception desk.
Cheri Schultz:
Well, as it turned out within about 45 days, I was hit crowd that was occurring. What happened in 2007? I didn't understand all the fraud that was occurring in the real estate industry. People were recording fraudulent dates and fraudulent mortgages. And as my responsibility as a title company, I had to retrieve those documents from the and my attorney bills were running in excess of 5 to 10000 and my attorney bills were running in excess of 5 to $10,000 a month. And it takes out a loan. I I didn't have that kind of money. I had invested every dime into this title company. I was just keeping my nose above water, paying the bills, paying my employees.
Cheri Schultz:
I had no dime. I had nothing extra because I knew it would come in due time. And then we all know what happened. Right. And so the stress, the anxiety, the fear. Oh my gosh. Right. It's it, it was bad.
Cheri Schultz:
Cause I can't know. I thought I'd lose everything I own because I didn't have that kind of money. And then of course we had the 2,008 realtor state crash. The worst one in US history, homes were foreclosing people were losing their houses. Right. I mean, we all know people that were involved. And then right when that happened, my top three clients call me and tell me they're closing their doors. I said, you can't be closing your doors.
Cheri Schultz:
That's all I made my revenue. Right. I got an orders. I closed transactions. They said, well, you know, nobody's purchasing, selling, or refinancing a house. So now the stress is really bad. Right? I mean, stress, fear, anxiety got so bad that I couldn't eat anymore. I couldn't sleep and I lost an astronomical amount of weight, you know, but I did get on the other side.
Cheri Schultz:
Okay. And it took though 2 long years. I'm just going through this day in and day out. I get people on the phone calling me saying, Sherry saved my house. I mean, these were adult people and I was like, there was nothing I could do, you know? But then I realized when you have big fear, when you're depressed, when you have that anxiety, you have to face your fears instead of avoiding them. Because when you face them, it decreases that power, that fear over you. And that's what I did. I got up every morning and I went to the office.
Cheri Schultz:
Was it the hardest thing I ever did? Heck yeah. Because I didn't know what my, where my life was going. Not the next minute, the next day, the next hour, the next month, because it was changing continuously. And then one day there was this turning point and this is where it started to shift. I remember looking outside and I seen my vehicle out there and I thought, you know, I have a lot to be grateful for. I'd have a warm house. I go back to, I have food in my belly, right? I have a car that drove me. I got gas in my car and that's when the ship started to occur.
Cheri Schultz:
And I thought I have a choice. I could choose to stay positive or I could choose to stay in that dark funnel because it looked, it was a deep dark funnel. And I chose to stay on the upswing, stay on that positive side. And then I realized you can have an attitude of gratitude because you can't, you can't think both at the same time. It's oxymoron, right? You either think positive or you think negative. And then I realized life is really a series of magical miracles, but it's up to you and it's up to me to find those. And you know, those miracles are all around us, but when we go through the storm, forget about it all. Right? It's, it's that beautiful smile from a complete stranger.
Cheri Schultz:
Right? It's that encouraging word we heard right when we needed it or that word of hug, right? When your significant others, those are not coincidence. Those were supposed to happen. And those are our magical miracles. And when you have to face your fear, you have to do everything. You have to step outside. You have to do something that's so uncomfortable for you that it takes the core of your being to do it. But I did that every single day. I've based my fears.
Cheri Schultz:
I went into work. Yes. Some days it was a, it was a real challenge and I will not deny that. You know, I I'm sure I cried enough tears to fill a river, you know, I prayed enough prayers. Right. But it was finally answered, but it took 2 years because it could be very easy to put my head over the covers and stay there forever. You know? Cause I'm like, just, just take me away in the jail suit, you know, because I can't get through this. I didn't know how I was gonna pay $4,000,000 but, you know, I have to tell you when it was all said and done, you know, I got to my attorney because the struct really got got to me really bad one day.
Cheri Schultz:
And I says, you know, I went to him and I said, well, you gotta figure something out because I can't go on another day, another minute. Look at me. I'm like down to freaking £90, you know, I'm 5.8. I can't, I can't go like this. And so he says, okay. So anyways, I didn't have to pay a dime. I did not have to pay a dime of my $4,000,000 I never gave up. I kept pushing forward, persevering, just knew my day was coming, but every day I didn't know.
Cheri Schultz:
Right. And you're still wait and you wait and you wait and you're like, okay, I'm at the end of my world. I really am. And, he negotiated, but I had to close down my company in 30 days
Suzanne Proksa:
and I
Cheri Schultz:
could never open up another title company for 10 years. Not that I wanted to, I was done, you know, I guess I'm not going back in the real estate industry. So that's when I realized I got through it. I mean, it wasn't easy. And so now I motivate people, I you can get through it. You have the thing that's gonna get you through this to face the fears. That's what I talk about. You have got to face them.
Cheri Schultz:
Don't bury yourself. Don't pretend that it's gonna happen by magic and all your worries or issues, you know, are all gonna go away. Cause they're not, you have to take action. Number 1, you have to believe in yourself. Number 2, and then you have to have the courage and the commitment to keep pressing forward in spite of the mountains and the obstacles that are in your path. So that's why I call it the ABCs, you know, but you got to do the ABC. Okay. I could talk and flap my gums, you know, but you do do it.
Cheri Schultz:
Take action, believe, encourage, and commitment. So I say it is as easy as ABC, but if you're not taking action and you're not doing one thing every day, then you can't complain about where you are. You know? And I know I can be very upfront and blunt with my clients, but you gotta do something. You know? That's not gonna happen by magic, you know? And it's uncomfortable and it's scary, but do it anyways as I tell them, you know? So, yeah, but I got on the other side. And so that's why I, I speak and I like coach. Fight them over the right? You're gonna get there. You got the power.
Suzanne Proksa:
Absolutely. So you answered 2 of my questions.
Cheri Schultz:
Oh, I was okay.
Suzanne Proksa:
No. That's fantastic. So, you know, you talked about taking action and this is something that I am I'm big on action takers. Right? I love them. I embrace it. And so it just drives me crazy when I see, like, I oftentimes put things out there, you know, on a silver platter for people. Might be free, might be low cost, whatever that could really help them lock their business. Right.
Suzanne Proksa:
And they don't you can you know, we all know you can follow, you know, you can follow your stats and pages and see who's been there. We all know this. And you can see they've been there and they don't take that simple step of applying or whatever it is. You know? Do you have any advice for and I know you already talked about a lot of this, but do you have any advice for ladies who continually find themselves in that place where I they take that little first step, but then they just cannot make themselves go any further.
Cheri Schultz:
Yeah. You know, I kinda, I call it 2 things. I call it procrastination. Right. And why do we procrastinate or why we stop before we get to the finish line? Because it's that resistance that's that fear. You know, I always say do something, even if it's a small, small step, because if you do little small action steps every day, it adds up to something in a whole year and you're going to be amazed at what you can accomplish. Action step. Let me give you some action steps.
Cheri Schultz:
It's sending that email, right? Reaching out, making that phone call to that person that you feel uncomfortable. Think about it. You're on the other side of the phone. It's okay. And so what if they hang the phone on you? Pick the phone up again and dial that next number or send out that next email. Right. It's about doing that. Talking to somebody, knocking on the doors, you know, whatever your business is, you have got to be the person, the entrepreneur to go out and get it.
Cheri Schultz:
And if you've never done a book for it, that's okay. I remember when I started my business, I called it cold call. And someone said, what are you talking about? A cold call. I said, I gotta call customers. It said it's called cold, C O L D. And I'm like, oh my gosh. And you can't even imagine how many people hung the phone up on me. And I use this as an example, because it it's, it's like, Oh, got it.
Cheri Schultz:
They should feel really bad in your life. I don't wanna pick up the phone. Yes. Pick them back up because I always said, you just haven't found the person yet who made your product, you know, your service they're out there. But as I say, and I've seen it because I've owned 4 entities. It's a numbers game. Okay? You have to reach so many people to get the people to respond to you. So that means you have to do something every day.
Cheri Schultz:
Take that step. Get rid of that fear. Get that negative language out of there. You know? No. I'm not sure. I don't have this deal set. Forget about it. Forget about it.
Cheri Schultz:
Just take action. I don't care how many people hung the phone to find me. You pick up the phone and you do it again, or you send that next email or or you get those people say, get me off your list. Okay. That's all right. Get them off your list on the next one. You know what? That's what I've done. And it works.
Cheri Schultz:
I I'm telling you, it works. Okay. I have 4 entities to prove it works. Okay. So you just have to make that effort, you know, because sitting around waiting, I'm telling you, and I tell all my clients that it's not going to happen. Right. And that's the only way you're going to get, but you have to believe, believe that you can achieve up here. That's what it's about.
Cheri Schultz:
You have the power. You don't need any special skill set. You don't need to go back to college because it resides right here in here. Okay. But it's about believing and have them that courage, that commitment. That's what it's about. You know, having that faith, that hope and it, and it's the patience because we don't know when it's gonna happen. Don't give up.
Cheri Schultz:
Don't let anybody convince you, Right? That you're not good enough or you can't achieve it because you have to believe in yourself first and then let go of the nay naysayers. Cause you're gonna hear lots of them. I guarantee. Don't keep pressing forward. Right. You know, Suzanne, I'm sure of it.
Suzanne Proksa:
Absolutely. Yes. I mean, you never know when that break's going to be, you know, I've heard so many of the 6 7 figure coaches talk about, you know, they were so broke. They didn't know how they were gonna pay their bills, their utilities. You know, they were making $14 a year, and they're borrowing from their parents or whatever, you know, in adulthood. And I mean, now, you know, they're like 6, some figures and a lot of them have done it within 2 years. I know. I you know? And if you want, like, I watch Melissa Farr quite a bit, not as much as I used to, but she was my, she was my coach for a vet.
Suzanne Proksa:
And, she did it because she never gave up. She was aggressively online doing lives, doing challenges, doing stuff every single day. And it's funny because before we got on here, Sherry asked me how I do it because I work full time and then I'm also, you know, doing all these things, organizing with summit, trying to get on live as much as possible, etcetera. And it really is, you know, one of the best tips she gave just a second ago, you guys, is baby steps if you have to, tiny steps, and that's what I do every day. You know, it might look like I'm doing a bunch of stuff at once. I am not. And believe me, I have just as much fear as anybody else. And I still it's a push.
Suzanne Proksa:
You've got to get behind yourself and push. And she's nodding her head because she's it's absolutely right. You have to be nobody else is gonna push you. Nobody else is gonna do it. So, you know, every day I've gotta push myself and and even to do those little steps.
Cheri Schultz:
Mhmm. So
Suzanne Proksa:
it worked. It really works.
Cheri Schultz:
It does. You are so right. You are so right. And Susan I know. We were we were talking and I'm like, what are you doing? You work all day and that we and we we talked and messaged me up, messaged me at 5:30 this morning. You know? And of course, I'm not, you know, like, responding, and now we're we're here all night. It's just like, that's what it takes. You know? And I know a lot of people say, well, I don't know.
Cheri Schultz:
I'm not quite sure. It does. That's what it takes. And you are so right about Melissa. I love listening to her. She's dynamite. She is absolutely dynamite. Yeah.
Cheri Schultz:
And like you say, she never gave up. Right. She kept pushing forward. She talks about it. It's her fear, you know, doing those Facebook lives and, and never giving up. And that's what it's about to anybody who's listening here. It's about never giving out, never losing sight of your dreams or your goals. And, and right.
Cheri Schultz:
You know, Suzanne said she does something every day, every day, just the little small steps, Right, Susan? And look where she's in. Guys, she won't time. She does this at night. What makes you think you can't do it? You got a perfect example right here. Let her be your mentor. Let her be the example for you guys. I mean, really? Oh, she offers those courses, those free courses, and she just in charge a lot for them, picked her up on it. It's well worth it.
Cheri Schultz:
Okay? She's gonna motivate you, keep you pressing forward. You want that entrepreneur? Come on. It's a small investment. Go for it. Suzanne is wonderful at what she does. She she's telling you, she's working full time and doing this. What makes you think you can't do it? Well, I'm a pro My gosh. It's it's not like it's a huge investment, guys.
Cheri Schultz:
It's well worth it. You will not be disappointed. I guarantee. Look where so far she's come. She has wisdom and knowledge, how she's reached this point. My gosh, Make that small investment. Suzanne is for you every day. My gosh.
Cheri Schultz:
Exactly. Suzanne, you're a perfect example.
Suzanne Proksa:
Thank you. Well, yeah, if you add to that, I've got fibromyalgia. Yeah. I have fibromyalgia too, so I'm more tired than the next guy.
Cheri Schultz:
But Unless you you have that pain that kinda comes and goes, Don't you?
Suzanne Proksa:
Yeah. Or mine's more the fatigue and everything. I get wiped out. The pain I've got under control. I I don't care what anybody says. I do the diet exercise thing. It keeps it out of control. Well, isn't that interesting? Because I
Cheri Schultz:
was just diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis.
Suzanne Proksa:
Same thing. Diet is huge.
Cheri Schultz:
Yes. You see. And, and, and, you know, they wanted to put me on that chemotherapy and that prednisone, but it's out dying it. Right? It, it, and I don't eat meat, sugar, dairy, you know, bread oil, but I got the pain under control. So see you guys. This is a perfect example again. Susan works full time, does meth, and she has fibromyalgia. What makes you guys think that you can't do it? Right.
Cheri Schultz:
And she's controlling it with her diet. It it's a choice, and we're all free to choose. Right. And we don't have to wait until tomorrow. We can choose right here today, how we're going to pursue our business goals. And Susan is absolutely, you know, a great mentor. And she's a great illustration of how far she's sunk. And we know she's not stopped.
Cheri Schultz:
We know where she's going.
Suzanne Proksa:
Oh, yeah. I'm not not have drive on this far. Oh, I know. Stop being quiet. Yeah. Just ask just ask anybody that knows me. I'm too stubborn to quit.
Cheri Schultz:
That's good. And that's that's that mindset you meant to have. You know, you have it, Susan. That's why you've gotten so far. How far you've come. You've gotta be stubborn. You gotta stand in firmness as I call it that warrior stance. No, that you are not the victim, but the victor.
Cheri Schultz:
That's what it's about.
Suzanne Proksa:
Absolutely. An event. And. So Ms. Mary, Yes. Are getting we've actually got a half hour already.
Cheri Schultz:
Where does the treadmill?
Suzanne Proksa:
Oh my gosh. Yes. That's why. Yeah. But here's the deal, you know, for time, people are gonna wanna know how to get in touch with you, how they can work with you, how they can get you to speak, you know, in their groups and all of that. So tell them all the stuff, tell them where to find you.
Cheri Schultz:
Okay. Yes. I have. I have my website, which is sherry It's spelled c h e r I. Right. And then Schultz, s c h u l t z. I also have the, another Facebook group it's called Sherry Schultz life coach.
Cheri Schultz:
Right? And I post there and really on my website, you can contact me. There's places to contact, to hire me and you can just instant message me, you know, any way I'd be more than happy. And I always give 30 minutes of free consultation. Always. You know, because I just wanna help you get through that hurdle, whatever it is. And I give it free to everybody. And I also have a free package right on my website and it's the masterclass video series and really, you know, my free videos are out, taking action, overcoming fear and commitment and courage. How far big is that? Right? So, yeah, reach out to me at any given moment.
Cheri Schultz:
I'd be more than happy. You can always write instant message me, email me my emails right on my website. So I'll receive any type of notification and I appreciate you, Susan, having me, you know, this evening. I I absolutely. I'm very grateful that you've put the time out of your busy schedule, you know, so we could chat this evening.
Suzanne Proksa:
Oh, thank you so much. And I'm sure that everybody loved it. Very happy to have you here and much love to you, Sherry.
Cheri Schultz:
Yes. Same to you. Awesome.
Suzanne Proksa:
Have a wonderful, wonderful evening.
Suzanne Proksa:
I hope that you loved this episode. If you did give me those shout outs, show me some love on iTunes, give me a rating and hey, if you wanna know where to find me, you can find me on pretty much all social media at suzanneproksa Proksa suz anneproksa and you can also head over to my website Until then, we'll see you in the next episode and here is the parte music for
Cheri Schultz: