Happy Healthy and Rich™️ Newsletter
Join other women building their dream lives without burning the candle at both ends. Subscribe to my newsletter for women where we talk about running businesses on our terms, personal development, navigating the ins and outs of being a woman, women's health, and how to find more joy.
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Subscribe to Braving HR™️
Subscribe to Suzanne Proksa's newsletter navigating the changing world of HR with her podcasts, articles, special guests, and more!

Get first dibs on one of my Founder VIP spots for:
-The ability to listen to the newsletter when time constraints are relentless.
-Masterclasses and worksheets to help you make moves to improve your business, life and health.
-A private community that is NOT on Facebook where you can talk with other women in similar situations and get that support that we all desperately need.
Happy Healthy and Rich™️ Newsletter VIP Waitlist
Get first dibs on one of my Founder VIP spots for:
-The ability to listen to the newsletter when time constraints are relentless.
-Masterclasses and worksheets to help you make moves to improve your business, life and health.
-A private community that is NOT on Facebook where you can talk with other women in similar situations and get that support that we all desperately need.