Suzanne Proksa:
Welcome to another episode of The Suzanne Show, where I talk a little online business, human resources, personal development, chronic illness, and whatever else I decide to chat about. I am so excited that you are here, and I love to hear from my listeners. Please feel free to reach out to me on my website, or on all the socials where I'm also suzanneproxa. And don't forget to put that k before the s. Let's move on with the episode. I can't wait for you guys to dive in. Hey, beautiful human. Just a quick note that the episode that you are about to listen to is from my former show, Sue's Pro Live, but it is so good that I just wanted to make sure that it was still being shared.
Suzanne Proksa:
So enjoy. Suzanne Proksa here, business strategist and consultant for another Suzanne Pro Live. And I am with Gwendolyn Wilder. Hello. This girl is on fire. Totally on fire. I'm so excited to have her today. She is always full of energy, always full of insight.
Suzanne Proksa:
She's got so much going on. She is a Kajabi addict, just like me, And you are absolutely going to love her. So I'm going to do what I always do and toss it over to her to actually introduce herself and tell you all of the things that she's up to.
Gwendolyn Wilder:
Oh my gosh. First of all, thank you so much. Like, seriously, I don't think he really grasped, like, the magnitude. I've done a little intro, but I don't think he grasped the magnitude of, like, how phenomenal it is for me to be here with you right now because I was, like, stopping you. Like, when I press Oh. And I'm just I'm seriously you, Kristen. I'm just like a couple other people that I'm just like, how do they do that? Do you remember me just emailing you or just like, hey. Can you do this? Hey, do that.
Gwendolyn Wilder:
Yeah. So you are part of the responsible for this craziness right here. So, know that. And that's why it's, like, really important for me to be able to just be here and be in this moment and just be appreciative. So thank you. Thank you so much for for this opportunity. I really appreciate it.
Suzanne Proksa:
You are welcome. I am thrilled.
Gwendolyn Wilder:
And we get all that little serious out of there to because I get really emotional because I'm very brave. So who am I? Okay. So I'm Gwendolyn and I'm an author, a certified business strategist and a consulting coach. And basically my life revolves around 2 things, helping victims, abuse victims to transform from being victims into what I call kick ass survivors. So I wanna help them build self awareness, self confidence, gain assertiveness, and become entrepreneurs. So being financially independent by becoming entrepreneurs. And then I also just work with businesses, whether it's someone who's already has a, you know, a preexisting business or working with corporate, helping them to create positive corporate behaviors. And that's what my life is pretty much all about, and that's what keeps me busy.
Suzanne Proksa:
That would definitely keep you busy. Especially
Gwendolyn Wilder:
this week with
Suzanne Proksa:
the whole, the whole me too movement.
Gwendolyn Wilder:
Oh, yeah. I put my me too in there. Yeah. I definitely put my me too in there. And I literally, I had an interview before this one with our local television station because, you know, October is domestic violence awareness month. And so we were having that conversation where people just do not understand. There's, like, this huge movement about sexual assault right now because of the whole Harvey Weinstein thing, but you don't really usually people talking about domestic violence and, you know, it's just as impact. It's just as powerful and whether or not people wanna hear it, I'm gonna hit you with some statistics really quick.
Gwendolyn Wilder:
But the CDC says that every minute there's 20 people that are impacted by domestic violence. So can you just imagine, you know, just imagine a room full of people that, you know, 20 of those people are impacted in some shape, form or fashion, either they experienced it or they know someone that has experienced it. And that is just too much. And so that's why, you know, being a survivor of domestic violence and a survivor of those sexual assaults, I decided to, you know, turn those crisis situations into an opportunity to be able to help myself because it's lethargic, but then also, how do I help other people to get out of that? And so that's what gives me joy and that's what gives me fulfillment. And I believe that that's my life purpose and that's where God wants me to be. So I'm gonna keep doing it until he says stop.
Suzanne Proksa:
An amazing purpose and mission. Definitely. And I think we've seen the last couple of days that it is a huge Proksa.
Gwendolyn Wilder:
Yeah, it is. It is. So, and it's busy. It's busy. All right. I definitely say that it's not just October. October is just the busiest month, but yeah. It's just to be on the ground.
Suzanne Proksa:
Yeah. I was in tears this morning. My whole news feed was full of it. Oh gosh. That's like, man.
Gwendolyn Wilder:
Well, you know, and then here's the other thing too, you know, I always try to tell people that you can, you can laugh. You definitely can laugh your way through this stuff. You know, sometimes we can, you just can't be in that. Well, it's me state and you can't be the, oh, I'm so sorry for you. You You can't be like that because, you know, when you are in a victim state, we, when you're in a victim state, it's very difficult to jump out of that if people are always making you feel like the victim. And so that's why I think it's important for families and coworkers to, you know, keep using encouragement instead of words of empathy and words of sympathy. Use words of encouragement and empowerment instead. You know, is it a thing that motivates them? Or at least for me, it motivates what I see.
Gwendolyn Wilder:
It motivates people to, like I say, kick ass and to get out of that situation. So, but yeah, I, I really understand what you're saying. I mean, it's an, it's a terrible situation. I just like to try with this into something positive.
Suzanne Proksa:
That's awesome advice and definitely something that I will remember when I run across that situation again. And hopefully, you know, Yeah. Hopefully I don't run across that situation.
Gwendolyn Wilder:
I know. This is bad. And if you, you know, you know, like I tell people, tell it, you know, that's why I tell people it's okay to tell the story. And there's so many people embarrassing me. I don't care what you're talking about. And people, you know, sexual assault, sexual harassment, domestic violence, any type of abuse, don't keep it in, tell someone about it. Just think of how many women would have been, you know, that would've avoided these situations if they just had the courage and the support that they needed to tell somebody about it.
Suzanne Proksa:
Exactly. Definitely. All right. Wow. So today we are talking about 2 ways to attract clients and while their success. And I know we were talking before we came on that. My people, my clients, they this is the big thing. How do I get clients? How do I attract clients? How do I get out there? So they're gonna be stoked about this.
Gwendolyn Wilder:
So. Why don't you tell me? Okay. She's like, do it, girl. Like, come on. Let's make it happen. You know, the funny thing is I'm gonna tell you a quote and try and make it super, super fast. But so a lot of people who may not know who I am before I got on this, I'm the author, consulting coach thing. You know, I used to have another business and I learned that it was 2 these are 2 completely different ways of operating.
Gwendolyn Wilder:
When you're working with government contracts and you're working as a consultant, those are 2 different types of businesses and you have different heights of clients. And so you really have to figure out how are you going to approach those people. But before that, where the heck are they? Like, where do you find these people? And so that's what I had to figure out the firm way, because with government contracting, it's easy. I just went to the websites and everything is listed right there. And then I just, you know, put in a bid. I get awarded. The life is great. Right? But when I became an author, it's like, where the heck are all the readers that I need to read this book? Where the people that, you know, schedule me for guest speaking or schedule me for consultations, like, where do I find all these people? And so that's where I came up with what I call the 3 foundations.
Gwendolyn Wilder:
And then those 3 foundations are supported by the, you know, love this. The wow, their 6 steps. I know everything. I always try to create these little fun, like cool names and things, but my last name is just cool, Ewift. So I figured I'd just use that, because it works, you know, the acronym really does work. And so basically it's, those are the 2 ways to attract the clients and I'm just gonna go through them. I mean, online, I'll just share a little bit, and it's just a snippet of the, you know, like I was telling you before I have a class coming up and explain about that. Okay.
Gwendolyn Wilder:
So the 3 foundations, research, competitors, and containers. So with research, there's 2 parts. So I figured that you really need to know who you are and you need to know what your business is all about. So for me, you need to know what is it that you're willing to do and what is it that you're not willing to do? You know, how far are you willing to go? Because every friend that comes to you is not a good client, or should I say every prospect that comes to your door doesn't necessarily mean that you need to work with them. And so don't be blinded by, I need to take care of this bill. I gotta take, you know, my braces for little Sally or, you know, whatever the case may be. So having that right money mindset and just having the right mindset period is a part of one of those strategies that I'm gonna talk about in the wilder 6 tips, but just doing the basic research within yourself and knowing who you are as a person and what you're willing to put up with and what you're not willing to put up with is gonna be key. And then with the business is just understanding, you know, what is it that you truly want to get out of creating a business? Why do you want to create a business? Do you wanna create it cause you wanna get out of debt or do you want to make a global move? You know, so just identifying that, doing that research within yourself.
Gwendolyn Wilder:
And then when I talk about competitors, which is number 2 and second foundation, this is absolutely key. I see you have to identify who your top chain competitors are and then figure out their SWOT, and everybody should know what that is. So your strength, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Right? So understanding what they're really good at, how in the heck are they making that happen? And then what is it that they're not doing? So that way you can figure out a way to feel that void. That is essential. That is absolutely essential. And so in that sense, I literally did that. So for instance, in my first business, I was doing investigations for a lack of discrimination and sexual harassment.
Gwendolyn Wilder:
My number one competitor was the EEOC. Now there's no way I'm gonna compete against the EEOC. I mean, they're right huge. Right? So what I did was I joint ventured with them. I became an independent contractor for them. I figured out what it was. I came out from the gate and was like, look, I'm trying to start my own business. This is what I wanna do.
Gwendolyn Wilder:
I'm not trying to take it down. I'm not cooning, you know, the barbarian. I'm not sure to come in and just roughhouse you, but I want to start my own little place in the world. And this is what I wanna do and how I want to do it. And then I figured out something that was really impactful and powerful. They were doing all of the really amazing stuff with the investigations and the reports, and they had tons of funding, which I didn't, but something that they weren't doing, they weren't able to connect their human factor and provide self awareness. And so self awareness is really the key. You go in, you do the investigations, you give them a report and then you're like, all right, see it.
Gwendolyn Wilder:
Well, that's where I turned in and I picked up the pieces from there. And then I take them through that after the investigation portion. How do you heal past that point? How do you connect the team with team building, with counseling and trade, additional trade? That's where I came in. I picked up the pieces. So that's what I'm telling people is identify what are the weaknesses that your competitor is not doing and then knock it out, add that to your programs, your products, and then make that. And then the third part of the foundation container, you've got to have a product or service, but how are you gonna put it out there to the market? Right? Like I'm gonna sell free. Well, if you're on the hill, you're gonna sell the flint, or you're gonna put them in containers, you're gonna sell them individually, or you're gonna sell them by the bundle, you know? So you need to know what it is that you're going to provide to the world and how you're gonna provide it to the world. I can't tell you whenever I have a new client that comes in and they're like, yeah.
Gwendolyn Wilder:
I wanna do so myself. Okay. So how are you gonna facilitate that? How are you gonna get that thing that you're talking about to these people? Are you going to individually keep it to them? Are you gonna drop ship it? Like, how does how does that work? Right? So those are the 3 foundations. And in order to make sure that those work, that's where I come in with the Wilder strategy. So there's individual steps to facilitate those 3. Does that make sense so far?
Suzanne Proksa:
It does. So, you know, I know one thing that people are probably thinking, and I don't know if this is like a big secret that's, you know, in the course and stuff. If it is just say, no, not telling you. But but I bet you people are out there going, how do I know who my top two competitors are?
Gwendolyn Wilder:
Oh, yep. Mhmm.
Suzanne Proksa:
It's in the it's in there?
Gwendolyn Wilder:
Yep. I'm telling you because you know, like, how much do you wanna say without saying? Okay. So I'll say that you well, you know what? I'm I'm here. Let me think. How do I say that? I'm going to wait until I get to the I Proksa and that will kind of talk about it a little bit And just remind me when I get the epistle, I start seeing it. I don't see what she's seeing. Okay. This is Monday.
Gwendolyn Wilder:
So the first part is the w, which is work on a smart plan. Right? So now usually when you hear the word smart and you think of, oh, smart goals, specific, measurable, right. And all that attainable, realistic, and all that. So I just took those and I just converted it or made it into my own thing. So you're still being specific with the s. Right? But you're being specific with your sales goals. Now, usually people say, oh, yeah. Okay.
Gwendolyn Wilder:
I'm on a sales goal of $10,000 alone. Okay. I don't work like that. What I do is I figure out what is it that I really want to have for that month. So I need a new laptop. I need a new mic, or I need a new set of gear because, you know, basically I told you I have this new television series, right? This movie starting next month. Like, so excited. I need new clothes for that.
Gwendolyn Wilder:
Right? I can't wear the scene out there, like, every week. So, you know, you take a look at what those things are that you wanna vacation out there. It's actually, and how they can rotate stuff so much and make a sweater on, go into something. So you think of what those things are that you, that you need to facilitate. I need a new VA where I need to add, you know, a publisher to my team or whatever. How much does that come across? Then that's gonna tell you how much money that you need to make. And then you need that, oh shit, like cushion, right? Because something always gonna happen to Owlings. So, you you know, I always say you need to have like a little bit of money just to, you know, in there floating around, you know, maybe even 1 or $2,000 just kinda like, oh gosh, let me just make sure I got something here.
Gwendolyn Wilder:
So that's what the sales goals looks like for me. So I'm not saying no, don't have like a number. I'm just saying truly think of it as think of it in the aspects of what is it for your personal and your business goals that you want, and then put dollar amounts too, though. So you can identify this is the target number. And then how are you going to, and we'll talk in a minute about how are you going to achieve that, but still have a, oh, shit cushion fund add to
Suzanne Proksa:
there. Well, and I like that too because then that kinda goes along with the whole law of attraction thing too.
Gwendolyn Wilder:
Oh, girl. Yeah. See? You just see? Like I'm saying that first late. It's like 2 more, 2 more. So then the next one is M4 measurable. So how is it going to happen? So, you know, okay, here's my sales goal and here's the products and everything that I need to create. Well, how's all this stuff gonna come together? So So essentially, you're figuring out who's gonna be on your team and what are the tools and products that you're gonna need to or products with the systems and structures that you're gonna need to put in place, right, to facilitate that. So I like to think of it as I'm a super checklist kind of person, so I always like to have tracking systems and I have like a project management database and, you know, these are the things that keep me warming up and keep me just, you know, I know what I need to do and where I need to be.
Gwendolyn Wilder:
And so that's what I'm talking about here is you need to be able to track all of that stuff and have people that are gonna help you facilitate because, yeah, we started out as 1, but in order for you to be a successful business person, you cannot continue to do this by yourself. You just can't. You need an OPM, you need a VA, you need, you know, so many different people on your team to make it all come together. So I go if somebody figured it out and they could do it by themselves, let me know. Then I'm a. It'd be really cool. And then what you're just talking about the law of attraction, a, so this is the a in the smart part. So I believe that in order for you to be successful in your business, you have to achieve management.
Gwendolyn Wilder:
And what that means for me is practicing, like, trust me when I tell you I have every secret book that's here. You don't have the magic or the whole of it. Right? Because Because I think it's important to practice mindfulness, gratitude, understand your levels of stress, and I'm a big proponent of driving a balance between the four aspects of self. So mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual. And so I specifically have practices that I do every single day. And then there's some that I do every single week. And this is where I pull out all of my books from the secret. And then, you know, I'll practice all these different things.
Gwendolyn Wilder:
You know, I read my Bible, you know, I talk to God, you know, and you don't tell people, you know, you have to have some type of connection with source. It doesn't matter what your source is. Mine just happens to be God. I love God. I believe he, you know, says I need to be on this mission and he supports me on this mission. Whatever your source is, you need to have one. That's why I refer it to the secret because it is the the practice is in the secret to me, they kinda go hand in hand and in line with God's promises in the bible to me. They all kinda go together.
Gwendolyn Wilder:
So I just think it's important for you to be aware of all those things and try to balance all of that. So that's totally with you, Carmen, and having the right mindset, because that's where the course goes really handy in here into understanding using the right mindset, whether it's for money or whether it's for peace and calm. And then I talk about me time and why that's important as well.
Suzanne Proksa:
Yeah. But that is so important.
Gwendolyn Wilder:
You know what I do? I make each of my clients. I make them choose one day that is a me time day. And then they have to tell me what it was that they did on that day. So I make them have fun at least one day out of the week. I know they did something that is relaxing and enjoy because you know how it is. You first did a finder. They're super excited because, you know, we're getting ready to do this thing. And then they don't know it's gonna be this rollercoaster of emotions from that one.
Gwendolyn Wilder:
You know? They're all just like, yes. Stress with me. I said, everything's gonna be fun. And I'm like, oh, you just have no idea. But, you know, and I just keep them going and positive, you know, energy because, you know, I want them to understand that this is an amazing dream, but you kinda have a plan. You just cannot willy nilly just blow through. You literally have to have a plan to, to make all of this, you know, come together. So this goes with the R in smart, realistic, having realistic goals, stay in your lane.
Gwendolyn Wilder:
Okay. Stay in your lane. I can't listen. I have a cousin. She's a sheriff, right? She's awesome at what she does. She chef cam. She's like, perfect. She can eat, stream it.
Gwendolyn Wilder:
She can cook it. I can't do all this way. She does it. Right. Mine is to get the gab. Okay. I work with people. I talk with people.
Gwendolyn Wilder:
That's what I do. And so I advise people have realistic goals based upon your expertise and your educational experience. So if you are really amazing at public speaking, writing, whatever it is, stay in your lane and focus on that and get really amazing at one thing. That's it. You know? And then you, if you don't have the, if you, if you don't have something, for instance, one of my clients is a fitness instructor. Okay. You're really great at exercising your body and stares and you look like damn boom, So until you get your certification, you know, focus on your building, your credibility with your past experience, what it was you did in your prior job and how you work with clients in their past experience. Right? So that's how you continue to build realistic goals so you don't lose that energy.
Gwendolyn Wilder:
That's what I kind of focus on there. So, and then timely is that last little part there. So having there was a term when I used to be in the air force back in 1930, there was a term I used to use called estimated completion date. It's real ECD. Right? And so that's what I tell people is you need to have in order for accountability, you have to have estimated completion date. This is why you need to have team members because you can hold each other accountable, right? For getting to whatever the goal is. So this is why, you know, I go handle my checklist in my project management database because I want to be able to see, oh my gosh, I got 3 months and I still haven't been yet. You know, I'm not freaking at her at all, but it's good to have those timelines because it really helps you to stay focused on what it is you need to do and not get distracted because you know your vision is not gonna come to fruition unless you stick to what those goals are and they're just there and they pop up.
Gwendolyn Wilder:
And so I live by my phone, my iPad, because the visually are like, hit me in a bit. It's like, did you know you've got 2 roommates before this? You know, that kind of thing. So that was the w. That was just a w. Oh, wow. No. Right? There's a lot of moving parts, but that was just the dummy. So just think how intense it would be like in the class, but this is the short version of just the w.
Gwendolyn Wilder:
And then the I, right, is identification. So earlier we were talking about identifying, how do you know who your people are, right, your client system, right, and your competitors. So the I is for identification. So identifying your target market, your ideal client, your competitors, your items, and the value. So when you talk about identifying who your competitors are, that's Google. That's exactly what I now I already now keep in mind in my first business, I already knew who they were because I was already in the industry. Right? So I already knew. But when I started my 2nd business, which was becoming an author, I Googled number one author dealing with books on domestic violence.
Gwendolyn Wilder:
Bam. Right? And then I put and then I drilled it down. So I went globally and then I went all the way down to my city. So when I decided to go, you're here's a little Tracy here. So when I decided to start my book tour, I literally Googled being less the number one author that had the most booked tours in my city so I could figure out where they went. I don't wanna say her name, but, you know, where she went and, like, how many places did she go? What was receptive? Because sometimes people put information. Yeah. You just go.
Gwendolyn Wilder:
Internet is like my best friend ever. Nice. Yeah. And that's how I figured out who okay. So where did she go and then how did it work for her? Right? And then where did she not go? So I went to the went to the stores that I went to and was like, hey, I wanna, you know, I'm this new author. I wanna put my book out there. Can I come and do add you to my bookstore? Can I come do a book reading or signing? And then I said, hey, do you know author so and so? Have they ever been here? And they're like, yes and no. How did it go? What did they bring? SWOT analysis.
Gwendolyn Wilder:
See what I'm saying? Like, I'm figuring it out. What did they do? What didn't work? So you don't need like a big ass spreadsheet trying to figure out, you know, who your competitors are, I just picked up the phone. I boomed and then I picked up the phones and that's how I figured out, you know, who the person was. And so then it, from there, it was just a matter of trying to fill that piece of what didn't happen. And then I just asked them, okay, the person that was the most successful this year at your store, what did they do? What did they bring with And they'll tell you, they'll tell you. I, I literally just did a, I had 4 book tours last week and, and this is essentially what I said. So how did it go with the last one? What happened? What didn't happen? And then when I do my client surveys, so I always send a survey to where I go and say, okay, how do you think that it went? What can I do better? What would you like to see me do differently? That's another way to get that information and get that market research. Great.
Gwendolyn Wilder:
Nice. I went way too far on it. Okay. I went way too far. So then identifying your target market and your ideal clients. So sometimes people say, oh, I know exactly who I want to serve. Really? Do I, don't you really? Because I think that there's 2 different, at least in my world and my brand, there's 2 different things. I think a target market is a group of people that you want to try and hit or you want to try and market to.
Gwendolyn Wilder:
Right? So for instance, for me, being an author writing books about domestic violence and, management. So my target market are people that are suffering or dealing with abuse. That's the general, that's the, the group of people that I'm trying to get ahold of. Right. My ideal client, you know, like with my books would be people that were victims or survivors of domestic violence. So and specifically women, and then improve, I bring it down more demographic from there with age and so forth, but the group people, people, you know, or I can say the shelters, right? Because that's another big group, right? But there's tons of shelters out there. So then how do I break it down? Homeless shelters, shelters specifically for women of domestic violence or shelters for men dealing with abuse. You know what I mean? So that's how I break it down.
Gwendolyn Wilder:
Well, you know this, but like a few most no. I've been so weird telling you this, but this is great. Your stuff. Funny. Funny? I was like, what? So then I teach them the, the rest of the eye is 2 things, item and value. So for the item, again, yeah, and you know what your product or service is. Right? You need to have more than 1. I think it's great to just have, like, one thing that you're really great at, but at some point, people will get tired of eating just apples every time they cut off seeds.
Gwendolyn Wilder:
So you wanna have dinner. You want a Granny Smith apple? Do y'all do what kind of apples do you have? You just got red apples? Like you wanna spice it up a little bit, right? So I tell people that you should have like, at least 2 signature, you know, programs, products, so that white people have some options, right? But get really great at that one thing and make sure it's like slamming. And then you could introduce like that next scene, but no matter what you do, which is the last part of the eye is add value. So I am of the belief that if you give, then you will receive. So the more you give, the more you receive, that's why I'm providing, you know, free stuff, a free ebook, you know, with this interview that we're doing today. But I tell my clients, I didn't start out making like like a $1,000,000,000 I did a whole lot of free guest speaking. I did some free book tours, you know, I am getting some books away for free because I knew that it was gonna come around, you know, on the back end. And so that's what I tell people is you gotta have a method.
Gwendolyn Wilder:
So don't get me wrong. I'm so damn just break. Oh, I hope it works. They're like, no. It's a play with that too. But all of that to say, you wanna make sure that you're giving, because definitely it it will, you know, turn around for you from the back end and people are gonna start investing into your coach. They're gonna see the quality of the work and how dedicated you are to that product or to that service. And they're gonna see, like, wow.
Gwendolyn Wilder:
You know, this is amazing. This is really good information. I want more of that. Alright? So I know you like it, sister. The VINL, which is my favorite part, learning automation. Oh my god. And that's can I just tell you how many nights I would spend and how many days I would spend creating email sequences? And I love writing emails. Like that's a new program.
Gwendolyn Wilder:
I do. And it's just like, like, I'm telling you for me, it's like crack candy. Like, it is so, like, this is, like, my theme. And I did Sylvia's not with them. So in the beginning, like, I just think sometimes I sit back and I think at how vast the difference is between my first business and my second business, because I didn't know in my first business about email automations. I was literally typing out emails, right? Like literally stowmer, typing them out, put it in one word, and then every day copy paste it, copy paste it. Like that's what I would do. Well, when I started this business, I was, okay, I'm doing things different this time around.
Gwendolyn Wilder:
Like, I need to figure out because this is all new and evolving. And so, you know, like I did, I looked at my competitors and, you know, I went to who now is one of my mentors. I know I love her than that, Jessica and Ezerale. And, you know, I was like, teach me your wings, you know, like, you do what you do. And, you know, and I went through one of her programs, and I was like, what is this automation thing she keeps talking about? You know? Because she uses the evergreen model. And I was like, oh my god. This is amazing. And that's where I really fell in love with creating email.
Gwendolyn Wilder:
Because once I realized that, because I love creating content, I love writing. I'm an author. I love writing. But now I really I get to write the emails and enjoy writing them because I don't have to write them, like, just sit there all day. I just write it and I'm done. It's it's going out to the universe. Right? I want that to, like, follow-up with people when they send me stuff. You go into a different sequence depending on what it is that you do.
Gwendolyn Wilder:
And that's where I teach my clients, because if you're not doing that, you're wasting, you're losing client because you're spending too much time out there hustling where you could be working with those high end clients instead of creating emails or, you know, working on Facebook. I mean, that's ridiculous sitting there posting everywhere, creating images on Instagram and then like post another thing, you know, over here on Twitter. That's like too much. It's too much. So it knew all that to say automation is people's best friend. So I just take them through the whole process of how I used it and Kajabi was a lifesaver. That kid, she actually, she introduced me to Kajabi and I was like, what? So I immediately got rid of what I was using before. And, and now, you know, I mean, they have all these new features and they keep rolling out, and I'm like, oh my god.
Gwendolyn Wilder:
You keep making my life so much easier.
Suzanne Proksa:
Yeah. I mean, they're new features, seriously, There's nobody else.
Gwendolyn Wilder:
Yeah. I feel like I need to get paid for promoting them or something.
Suzanne Proksa:
I know it. I should too. I'm always out there. Good job. I could buy. Yeah.
Gwendolyn Wilder:
Yeah. And so I think I need to so I constantly I'm telling people go to Kajabi. 1, because it's cheap, because I was on a budget. Right? And once I realized how amazing those freaking landing pages are.
Suzanne Proksa:
Yeah. Well, and it's funny too, because people think it's too expensive and I'm like, whoop, makes us bounce off of ClickFunnels.
Gwendolyn Wilder:
Oh my gosh. No. I don't even I never actually use ClickFunnels and I don't deviate. Well, I don't tell people not to go there because I don't know. I don't know the experience, but, you know, it had changed their own. I don't know. And then the d in Wilder is designed, kick ass containers. So alright.
Gwendolyn Wilder:
So when I so people ask me, like, okay. You have a book. Like, what's so special? Like, passing out a book? Can't you just put it, like, in Barnes and Noble and then that's it. It's done or Amazon or whatever. And I'm like, okay. But you gotta continue adding value. Right? So like with my books, I give away one less free VIP book club access because I wanna do a book reading for the book. I create ebooks, like the ebook I'm gonna give, you know, for people that watch this interview, but it's all about making this sexy right.
Gwendolyn Wilder:
And making it pop and making it fresh. And so I think that when you put these products and these services into things that are visually appealing and informationally appealing, that's what drives them to buy whatever it is that you're selling. You know, if it's like just the boring, just I have this book, buy this book. It is something. That's just sort of like, I don't know. It just, it just seem would help you in any shape, form, or passion. So I think, you know, it has to be fresh and popping. Like I said, just be you know, it has to kind of sex appeal, not just visually, but the words as well and where you frame the words.
Gwendolyn Wilder:
I learned so much about the placement of words, like literally the placements of words, and then whether to capitalize the words and where you should capitalize the words and how impactful that is. So these are the little tips that I learned that work that I just shared with people because I'm like, did you know that if you like, if you just have like a continuous cross paragraph, that's boring. Nobody wants to read there, chop that shit up, right? Like call it the chop the lap table, like just, you know, you gotta spice it up in there. And, you know, it's like dating. You don't wanna just sit there and listen and saying your eye, you know, conversation. Nobody goes to read a boring, dry, and just looks the same format. Put some pictures there, you know, because the pictures in you smile. You know, I had a client of mine, he was like, oh, shit.
Gwendolyn Wilder:
You know, I've got pictures on my page and I'm going, but you don't have any pictures of your product, like put pictures of what it is that you're selling so people can see it, you know, because you have, he has like this amazing business where he builds like these fountains and I'm going pictures of the fountains. So people say what it looks like when it's done. Right? Like, yeah, and stuff is amazing. Like, awesome. So you should do that. And then the e, what you were talking about earlier, energizing your audience. So for me, you have down to stay like a 100, like all the time. Nobody wants to buy anything from someone who is like, oh my gosh, I have this amazing book that you should read.
Gwendolyn Wilder:
You You know, everybody wants that. And it starts with the sales pitch, whether your sales pitch is verbal or whether your sales pitch is written. I think it's important to keep that in mind and keep that energy. That's why you and Kristen were like, I'm serious. I stopped y'all for, like, never. Like, how did they take that? Like How did How did they get the people? You know, I remember when I heard, like, 5 people in Facebook. Like, I don't know how many now. I think it's like 38100 or something like that.
Gwendolyn Wilder:
But I remember when it was like, people. I'm like, how do you get so many people? Like, how do you do that? And y'all were just like, screw on us what you do. Alright. Yeah. At least yeah.
Suzanne Proksa:
I'm sure it's my funny faces.
Gwendolyn Wilder:
Yes. No. You know what it is? You're just straight up. Like, you're just you. My good job. There's no pretend. This is just it's just you. And I think that's what people forget is just be you.
Gwendolyn Wilder:
Like, like, you know, my son tells me, he's like, mom, you're cool, but you're Corey. So I accept that that I'm cool and I'm Corey. You know? They're not I tell, like, one good joke a year. So I I focus on that cause I'm like, okay. I give you a whole bunch of, like, serious stuff. And then I'll tell you, like, one good joke and then I'm done. Right? So you gotta, you know, focus on what you're really good at, but that's how you can keep your people, you know, energized. And so while you're doing this and you're giving them, like, little tidbits of funny and, you know, giving them some type stuff, you're telling them why they need to come to you, why your product is the best.
Gwendolyn Wilder:
How is it gonna change your advice? Because it's all about transformation. I don't care what if you're selling golf club, you're gonna make them like this golfer on the golf course because your golf club is gonna do a, b, c, d, d. Right? So it's all about transformation. So that's where I think people forget that. And so you have to incorporate that in a sales pitch. And then r, so the this is the last one, Right? This is it. I know. Wow.
Gwendolyn Wilder:
There's a long, bad thing, but that's but and it's the most simplest. It's revise it's revised. Oh, wait. I was messing up. Review, revise, repeat. So essentially just go for everything and tweak it if you need to tweak it and then do all of it, just do it all over again. And I know it's, it sounds like it's a lot of moving parts, but it really is just, you know, 3 pieces, research, competitor, container. Right? So research who you are, research your business, know who your competitors are.
Gwendolyn Wilder:
I say at least that if you only have 1, great, but at least 2, I know there's probably 2 of them out there that are doing what you're doing. Right? And then your container, what product or service do you have and how are you gonna make it kick ass? That's that's the key. And then just use those wilder steps, right, to just it is work us in our plan, identify, learn automation, design kick ass containers, right, which is what I talked about. I'm gonna energize your audience and then review what lies with content. I noticed a lot, but the class is, like, really in-depth, but that's the the gist of how I go about attracting clients is implementing these foundations and the strategies.
Suzanne Proksa:
Well, and, like, for you then, which of those things, like, where are the top 2 that you think got you to where you are? Like the the top 2 of those?
Gwendolyn Wilder:
Yeah. So I would probably say the identification one for sure. So knowing who your target market, your ideal client, and know who your competitors are, that was, like, for real. No kidding. It and then value. Right? Because I'm always trying to figure out what type of value that I can add to the individual and how I can transform them. So for me, you know, because I'm an author, I want people to get education about whatever it is that I'm talking about, abuse, business, narc, whatever. Right? And then how are they able to help someone else with the knowledge that I gave them? So I'm not only just adding value to them, but I'm helping to further my overall mission, which is globally.
Gwendolyn Wilder:
Right? So how can I help them take that information and help somebody else? So you read the book, you learn the warning signs and the best in violence now, and you can share it with your school or your spouse, your friends, your church, whatever. I wrote a book about business acumen. Okay. So now you can take that and you can share this with your clients, your coworkers like that. You see what I mean? Uh-huh. So those are the 2 pieces for me, identifying, you know, my ideal client, maturity, and marketing, and then value.
Suzanne Proksa:
Awesome. Now everybody talks about value and people battle it like crazy, but I don't wanna give everything away for free.
Gwendolyn Wilder:
Oh, we got you got you. You've got you. It's like the right of passage being an entrepreneur
Suzanne Proksa:
thing. I'd swear every book I've read lately, they talk about it. Every single
Gwendolyn Wilder:
book. So if you know what the crazypanias novel is like, if you believe in the program, the product and service that you're doing, that whatever it is, you know, it should, it shouldn't matter giving away the book, whether it's a tangible book or an ebook, it really, it shouldn't matter because you know, in your heart, you should believe that this is going to turn into, you know, whatever discovery session or consultation, somebody buying this product or, you know, engaging in this program order.
Suzanne Proksa:
Oh, yeah. I mean, it definitely works. I mean, I dropped 5 grand work with Melissa Farr Mhmm. After she gave away. I mean, every time she launches you to you, it's challenge after challenge, after webinar, after freebie. I mean, she gives away so much stuff. I still drop that along with 50 other women. Well, I
Gwendolyn Wilder:
don't know. That's mindset. You know, I have this new thing that I started. Right. And it's, it's only been a month, but I'm telling you, my life has changed. Well, actually, it's going on 2 months now. My life has changed so much. I literally every day, remember a team in how I practice? I call it practicing gratitude.
Gwendolyn Wilder:
That's that's what I call it. Right? Where everybody has their own lead with how they practice their me time and taking care of themselves. Something that I do is I follow myself the 7 figure businesswoman, because that's what, that is what I'm doing. That is what I'm gonna achieve. Right? And so in order for you to become a whatever 7 figure business person, man, woman, whatever, you got to act like that. It's more than just thinking it and you have to act that way. So making an investment, like you were saying, you know, 5,000 here, 10,000 here, that's a necessity in order for you to uplevel yourself, you have to invest that type of money because you're gonna see double that on your return. That's how you have to think about it.
Gwendolyn Wilder:
Because I end up in some people going, oh my gosh. I failed to let anyone know. Your, you know, coaching package is like $3,000 or yes. But think about this. If you put that money, then you've listened to what it is, and I'm showing you, and I go, hey, like deep into like, this is I'm showing you screenshots. I'm going live. I'm showing you exactly, like for instance, the Facebook, the Facebook video that I was talking about earlier, and it's 19,700,000 views on. And I promise you, I wasn't joking when I said, like, somebody says like, oh, gosh.
Gwendolyn Wilder:
Like, how do you do that? And I was like, shit. How do I do that? So I just you know, I I literally went back and wrote down, like, step by step, like, what it was that I did to see, you know, like, how did I get to that point? Right? And so now that's what I teach people is how did I get there? Like, how did that happen? Because it was like overnight, one day, I went for 5 people at Facebook, and now there's, like, you know, 38100 people in Facebook. And my video went from, like, just me and, you know, my aunt looking at it. You know? Because I was like, is anybody out there? Does anybody know who I am? And then all of a sudden it was like, okay, 10 people, you know, a 1000 people, 3000 people, you know, each video just kept getting progressive. And so what I realized was this is not a fluke. If you added a bounty again, like I said, you give and it will come Give and you will receive. So you keep adding that value. That's why I'm out there consistently doing face to lives and doing those, you know, series.
Gwendolyn Wilder:
And I'm talking about this, or I'm giving away this because it will come back. It will come back, but you have to put in that investment. So if someone says, I'm gonna this is what's gonna happen. If you invest this 5,000 and they got a Proksa track record, I'm in. I'm in. I know. You know, we're gonna figure it out somewhere.
Suzanne Proksa:
Exactly. Mhmm. Exactly. So you have a, freebie for people. Correct?
Gwendolyn Wilder:
Yes. I do.
Suzanne Proksa:
But you also have a course coming out soon that you have to mention as well.
Gwendolyn Wilder:
Yeah. So this was a really and this is like really amazing and perfect timing because I was literally just waiting for Kajabi to to, you know, just this whole new feature thing that they so I wanted to expound on this a little bit more because people were just asking me just, you know, again, how did you do this specifically? How did you do this? And I didn't have anywhere to talk about it. So I decided to create a 3 day training where I talk about how to attract clients to gain wilder success. So I use basic examples of how it worked for me. So for instance, I gained I think it was, like, 23100 or $26100 in an hour. Like, how did I do that? And I didn't do anything. I was, I wasn't even at home when it happened. So, you know, that's where automation comes in.
Gwendolyn Wilder:
Right? And why is that so important? So I talk about that and then, you know, how did I get those views on Facebook and how did I convert some of those people into clients that full pay, you know, partial pay is great too, but full pay is where it's at when it comes to those coaching packages. So, you know, and then because they are going to become those lifers because you build that bond with it. And so in the class that's gonna be coming up in 3 day with I'm giving everybody the opportunity to join that. I'm gonna put a link, I I think, at the end of this, right? So I'm gonna give them the link. If you just join my WildBrain success app, all you gotta do is just do it. It'll tell me, you know, go bing, here's the snip person. All right. If you just join it, everybody that's in my app, they're going to get the opportunity to join this class and you're gonna get the ebook.
Gwendolyn Wilder:
So there's a free ebook that comes with it, where I break down and mass detail the foundations and the secrets that we just talked about tonight. Because, honestly, I don't understand if we don't have enough time to get into it, you know, in this interview. So that's why I wanted to create the ebook. And so all you have to do is join, and the ebook will be available on the day of training, which is October 26th.
Suzanne Proksa:
Awesome. And so you're gonna put you're gonna put the link in that comments later. Okay. Cool. Okay. Awesome. So the people are watching elsewhere other than my Facebook business page. My business page is where you wanna go to to catch that link.
Suzanne Proksa:
And that's backslash Suzanne pro. So Thanks for Anything else that you wanna share with the audience today, or are we going to send you off to your wine?
Gwendolyn Wilder:
Oh, well, I'm you should still there. Oh, yeah. People miss that beginning of that conversation probably. What's going? I have a piece of wine waiting for me from a fabulous neighbor. I think the only other thing is if I can tell people about this awesome book. Yes. It is I did mention that I'm an author, so I'm gonna put this here so you can kinda see it. It's okay to tell my story.
Gwendolyn Wilder:
And it talks about surviving common law, domestic violence. The reason I definitely wanna talk about this is because October is domestic violence awareness month naturally. Right? So the book discussed and it's a fictional book, but it's based upon our life story, and it's not like a male bashing book. It's got resources, action plans, safety, you know, information in there, telephone numbers, tons of stuff. And it discusses the relationship between childhood abandonment, domestic violence, workplace violence, and sexual assault is how do you identify domestic violence and how do you get out of it safely? And half of the proceeds from any other programs that the products and services that I sell in the month of October, half of those proceeds goes towards the family violence prevention service program and the sister shelter I actually used when I went through my domestic violence situation years ago. So Wow. Just so they know, they could just go to the the link that I'm gonna use. Everything will be there in the link link to the book, the link to the ebook, all the so they so So thank you for letting me to
Suzanne Proksa:
share amazing.
Gwendolyn Wilder:
Mhmm. See? All of this started from the book.
Suzanne Proksa:
Yeah. Okay.
Gwendolyn Wilder:
And you're right.
Suzanne Proksa:
I know. I can't believe I I mean, seriously, over the last few months,
Gwendolyn Wilder:
you have just blown up. I know. It went from a book to now I have a television series that's gonna be coming out next month. I'm like, what?
Suzanne Proksa:
Ladies out there, if you think it can't happen to you, it absolutely can with work and building relationships. That is definitely one of her strong points is building relationships. Stop,
Gwendolyn Wilder:
Suzanne. Stop, Kristen.
Suzanne Proksa:
You've helped. Your sets of humor went through it all. It helped. It definitely helps.
Gwendolyn Wilder:
Suzanne Proksa:
Well, thank you so much for being on today. It was a blast. I absolutely adore you. And I know that you are going to definitely hit that $1,000,000 mark way soon. So and then I'm sure that you're going to remember all of your friends when
Gwendolyn Wilder:
you get there. I've been like, where are you at? Come on. I'm telling you, I can't wait. You're in my top five. I already identified my top 5 people to be interviewed when the when the show starts. So I'm
Suzanne Proksa:
Awesome. I'm ready. Cool. I look forward to it.
Gwendolyn Wilder:
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much. Seriously for bringing me on. I truly appreciate it. And hopefully people, you know, they enjoy it.
Suzanne Proksa:
Oh, I'm sure. How could they not? Mhmm. So we're gonna sign out. Have a great rest of the night and keep an eye out for this lady. I hope that you loved this episode. If you did, give me those shout outs, show me some love on iTunes, give me a rating and hey, if you wanna know where to find me, you can find me on pretty much all social media at suzanneproksa. That's suzanneproksa and Proksa. And you can also head over to my website Suzanne
Suzanne Proksa:
Until then, we'll see you in the next episode and here is the party music for
Gwendolyn Wilder: